Enrolment Information

The Application Pack for all students applying to enrol in Years 7 through to Year 12 includes the following documents, please click on the red links below to download.

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Enrolment Forms

Application Form

It is important that all relevant sections of this form are completed in detail, only where this is the case can your application proceed to the next stage.

We require the following documents to commence an application

  1. Completed application form – page 11 MUST be physically signed by whoever the fee payer will be either 1 or both parents – digital signatures are not accepted by CSBB
  2. Student Enrolment Questionnaire
  3. Birth Certificate
  4. Copy of holy sacrament certificates (where these have been made)
  5. Most recent NAPLAN report
  6. Most recent school report
  7. Government issued Immunisation register

Please ensure you complete the checklist on Page 11 and append the required copies with your application.

Email these documents to sjccenrolments@dbb.catholic.edu.au

Download the Application FormDownload Our College Prospectus
Student Enrolment Questionnaire

Please download and have your daughter complete the Student Enrolment Questionnaire.

Download the Student Enrolment Questionnaire
Privacy Policy

Information document for parents and students.

Download the Privacy Policy